Pray & Vote is a resource to mobilize your Church to pray passionately, prepare civically, and vote Biblically.

For Your Church

Pastors and church leaders can use Pray & Vote as a simple way to engage your church this election.



“First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.” - 1 Timothy 2:1 (MSG)

Pray & Vote Thursdays

Join us in praying for our nation and the upcoming election every Thursday from now until November, 5th. If your church has a weekly prayer meeting on a different day of the week, fast and pray that day instead.

Focused Prayers

Encourage your church to pray biblically-based prayers for unity, our leaders, and our cities.

View Prayers



We’ve curated resources to help your church register to vote and get informed on the candidates and measures on the ballot this November. The goal is to resource individuals to educate themselves and vote biblically.

View Resources



Election day is Tuesday, November 5th. We’re encouraging everyone who is eligible to vote.


We are posting multiple times each week up to the election to help lead the Church in the vision to pray passionately, prepare civically, and vote biblically.

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Graphics, slides, social media posts and more.

Instagram post from Pray and Vote's Instagram accountInstagram post from Pray and Vote's Instagram account
Instagram - Brix Templates
Instagram post from Pray and Vote's Instagram accountInstagram post from Pray and Vote's Instagram account
Instagram - Brix Templates
Instagram post from Pray and Vote's Instagram accountInstagram post from Pray and Vote's Instagram account
Instagram - Brix Templates
Instagram post from Pray and Vote's Instagram accountInstagram post from Pray and Vote's Instagram account
Instagram - Brix Templates
Instagram - Brix Templates
Instagram - Brix Templates
Instagram - Brix Templates
Instagram - Brix Templates
Instagram - Brix Templates
Instagram - Brix Templates
Instagram - Brix Templates
Instagram - Brix Templates